Students in PK-5th grade at FFES learn the fundamentals of music in many different ways! We love to sing! We play instruments alone and with friends. We love to make real-world connections. We learn to read and notate music. We listen to and describe music as we learn about composers and music history. We use technology to compose our own songs. We learn folk dances and play Orff instruments, and much, much more! Students in 3rd-5th grade can participate in spring and fall chorus and we always do a spring musical!
Music is a part of the fabric of our society. Students learn to be problem solvers who practice self-discipline and display remarkable amounts of creativity, all at the same time! By studying music in a hands-on way, students practice cooperation and communication. Music is a bridge from one person to the next and from one culture to the next. Early musical training helps to develop brain areas involved in language and reasoning. Students learn a craft and they study details. As this happens, their standards increase and they learn to exercise inner resources. Students of music must conquer fear at some level and learn to take risks.